Welcome to Hubken Consultancy

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday to Saturday

Posts by: Webmaster
Project Funding Proposal Writing, Fund Sourcing and Mobilization

This workshop reviews major issues that you should consider when developing and writing a project proposal for funding from foundations, corporations or government. We help you to identify the right prospects for your organisation, incorporating key elements to make your proposal effective, writing the proposal, avoiding common mistakes,[...]

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Project Management Program

This training has been designed to equip you with the skills needed for today’s diverse and demanding requirements in modern project management for those who supervise, manage, plan and implement projects programmes. Our project management programme focuses on inculcating in our delegates on delivering the projects in the[…]

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Corporate Stress Management Skills

Our corporate stress management training is at the cutting edge of stress reduction, offering a powerful blend of cognitive training and clinically-proven relaxation techniques to manage stress and enhance resiliency in the most challenging circumstances. We give your employees the benefit of an effective, highly-rated stress management program[…]

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Social Media Marketing

Setting up a Facebook page and posting regularly can feel like an accomplishment for new and small businesses. But as your operation grows and your audience expands, your social footprint needs to increase along with it to include other media like Twitter, Instagram, among others—especially when social is[…]

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Strategic Business Relationship (Digital Era Module)

Since organizations are a complex ecosystem of interrelated services, each service contributing to creation of customer and business value, establishing strategic business relationships and creating a win-win  business association is paramount. Our training provides the skills, techniques, methods and best practices to enable you to become a professional Business Relationship Leader.[...]

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Customer Service Excellence Training

Our Service Excellence training course is designed to give participants the communication skills, negotiation strategies, and customer service best practices they require to take their organization from good to great levels.  We teach professionals critical skills in the areas of professionalism, communication effectiveness, service recovery techniques, and stress[…]

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Corporate Team Building

Team building events and activities can make all the difference when it comes to job satisfaction, employee engagement and organizational success. At Hubken Consultancy we look at this not as an activity but as a process that is not only aimed at making the people that work with[…]

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Conflict Resolution Skills

Effective conflict management is an essential skill for every leader and aspiring leader. When harnessed productively, conflict can be a force to build both company culture and competitive advantage. Workplace Conflict Resolution program is a 3-day training program designed to teach professionals practical techniques for managing workplace conflict.[…]

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Worksite Wellness Program

Because of the ever-increasing costs of health insurance and the importance of employee health, as an employer consider implementing a well-thought-out wellness program that benefits both the employee’s health and the employer’s bottom line. Our wellness Training course includes everything you need for both your managers who help[…]

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