Welcome to Hubken Consultancy

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday to Saturday

Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation 19/02/2024

Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation 19/02/2024

This seminar is meant to provide an overview of results-based Monitoring and Evaluation methods including practical applications of modern techniques, methods and tools for planning, organizing, and/or managing programs and projects.

Our trainings are facilitated through group work, practical exercises question and answer sessions as a lead to enhancing comprehensive appreciation of the importance of results-based measurement, monitoring, and program evaluation.

Learning Objectives

We aim:

  1. to enhance the skills of Monitoring and Evaluation professionals who need to research, supervise, manage, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate development projects.
  2. help delegates gain confidence to apply the acquired skills and knowledge to their Monitoring and Evaluation work
  3. support participants to be able to share and learn from diverse backgrounds and experiences to strengthen their Monitoring and Evaluation structures.
  4. Improve knowledge of how Monitoring and Evaluation enhance the effectiveness, accountability and quality of development programs and projects implemented by organizations from both private and public sectors
  5. Assist participants track performance indicators over the life of the project

Our Target

Project managers, staff and directors, consultancies, Monitoring and Evaluation     technical specialists, researchers, development practitioners and decision-makers responsible for project or program-level M&E working in NGOs, private and public or government departments and other stakeholders, will highly gain from this seminar.

Areas Of Interest

General introduction to Monitoring and evaluation

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation – Key principles concepts and types of M&E
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation processes and the project cycle management
  3. Steps in implementing Monitoring and Evaluation in a project programmes
  4. Methods and tools of Monitoring and Evaluation
  5. Challenges in Monitoring and Evaluation
  6. Current trends in Monitoring and Evaluation

Introduction of Result-based Monitoring and Evaluation  

  1. The emergence of Result-based Monitoring and Evaluation and its development
  2. The importance of result Monitoring and Evaluation
  3. Main steps of Result-based Monitoring and Evaluation
  4. Performance based measurements, indicators, and performance monitoring
  5. An overview to Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation

Needs assessment

  1. Formative research
  2. Situation analysis / needs assessment
  3. Tools used to conduct a situation analysis
  4. Case studies on situation analysis and mappings

Baseline Assessments

  1. Baseline data and how is collected
  2. Needs assessment versus baseline study
  3. Baseline plan questions
  4. The necessary, useful and practical baseline data to be collected
  5. Samples of baseline surveys

Monitoring and Evaluation planning

  1. Key considerations for a Monitoring and Evaluation plan
  2. When should one carry out Monitoring and Evaluation activities?
  3. The timing of evaluations
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation plan amendments
  5. Evaluation Techniques

Designing the Monitoring and Evaluation structure

  1. The result chain
  2. Impact pathways
  3. Result based Monitoring and Evaluation cycle
  4. Components of a theory of change
  5. Logical framework vs Theory of change
  6. Developing a theory of change

Designing indicators and evidence

  1. The power of measuring results
  2. Indicators in monitoring and evaluation
  3. Features of good indicators in monitoring and evaluation
  4. Challenges and considerations when selecting indicators
  5. How many indicators are enough?
  6. Types of monitoring indicators
  7. Process versus result/impact indicators
  8. Developing globally comparable indicators

Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks

  1. Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation framework development considerations
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation framework developing steps
  4. Logical frameworks and Results frameworks
  5. Vital actions to build result-based Monitoring and Evaluation

Project Evaluation

  1. Steps to developing evaluation questions
  2. Evaluation criteria – methodology
  3. Case studies and designing evaluations for stakeholder benefit and use
  4. Choice and use of qualitative and quantitative collection instruments
  5. Participatory data analysis
  6. Communicating findings meaningfully for comprehensive stakeholder learning

Data Gathering, Examination and Analysis

  1. Quantitative and qualitative data methods for collecting such data
  2. Challenges and limitations of quantitative and qualitative methods
  3. Pre/post intervention focus group discussions
  4. Pre/post intervention interviews
  5. Practical illustrations and group demonstrations

Monitoring and Evaluation Information Communication 

  1. Developing a monitoring and evaluation finding communications strategy
  2. Communicating findings to bring about change.
  3. Different media used to present Monitoring and Evaluation results

Benefits of Monitoring and Evaluation Results

  1. Diverse uses of Monitoring and Evaluation results
  2. Consumers of Monitoring and Evaluation feedback
  3. Giving effective Feedback
  4. The best time to give feedback
  5. Entrenching learning for the individual and the firm benefits
  6. Becoming a Monitoring and Evaluation champion and change agent


  1. Since we have a continuous course improvement process, kindly treat the program as a guide and may change in topics and course structure.
  2. This training can also be customized upon request at a convenient location and timing.

The course uses international, as well as local, examples and case studies and will involve discussions with policy managers, policy advisors and evaluators with experience of monitoring and evaluation in various projects or programmes

For details on registration contact us via info@hubken.co.ke or Call Us +254 702 494 303 
